The Captain Wing It sales behavior that begins the Monday malady is the sowing of business cards like grains of wheat with the expectations that business, new sales leads or increase sales will actually be the results of these efforts.
How many times do sales people attend a business to business networking event and there is at least one person there who passes out his or her business cards to every single person?? These crazy busy salespersons never truly stop to engage people.? In fact some are so audacious, they will give multiple cards in each passing and then tell, not ask, the recipients to share these cards with others.
This Captain Wing It sales behavior is just one example of what I have deemed ?spraying and praying.?
Now does this truly make sense??
Maybe this does make sense if you believe in numbers such as pass out 100 business cards and get one to three responses. However, in this process of being in the role of Captain Wing It and demonstrating this questionable sales behavior the question to be asked is:
?How many people have I turned off by creating negative attention??
The two-fold purpose of marketing within the sales process is to attract attention and begin to build a relationship.? Sowing of business cards to every Tom, Dick and Harry, every breathing business person, in the short term and long term is not in alignment with the purpose of marketing. Actually, the only results are lot of wasted paper (business cards) and you are a little more pocket poor from the costs of all those sown business cards.
How can you build a relationship when you demonstrate you do not want one?? Your sales behavior clearly showcases your business to business networking is all about you and not about the other people in the room. Sales Training Coaching: #1 sales buying rule: People buy from people they know and trust.
Imagine for a moment that you became very intentional about who you handed, note handed not shoved, your business card to. Your goal would be to learn a little more about that individual.? Determine if there was value in the actual exchange of contact information.? And possibly, the other person might ask for your business card first. Sales Training Coaching Tip:? Think quality not quantity of reaping new sales leads.
Engaging in business to business networking does require the mindset of a farmer who understands where the richest land (think ideal customer) is, who recognizes the grain of wheat must be planted to truly take hold and then watered with continual contacts. Sales Training Coaching Tip:? Most sales are made between the fourth and 12th contacts.
Consider treating your business cards as precious grains of wheat and taking care to whom you present them will in both the short term and long term build strong relationships, yield valuable sales leads and increase sales.
P.S. Each Monday morning for the next few weeks, other Captain Wing It sales behaviors will be discussed.? Also remember to check out my weekly business column over at the Post Tribune.
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