Saturday, August 25, 2012

Brand Equity Source - Small Business Branding

The assets most important of a company, such as the people in the organization and the names of marks, are intangible e, for many businesses, the name of the mark and what it represents is its more important asset, the base of the competitive advantage and future profits. Kotler and Keller (2006) complement that branding says respect to create mental structures and to help the consumer to organize its knowledge on products and services of form that becomes its taking of decision more clarified e, in this process, generates value to the company. Below, Figure 1 represents the assets of the Brand Equitiy, as an organization chart of exploration of the mark, argued in the topics to follow. Figure 1: The assets of the Brand Equity Source: AAKER, 1998. 4.4.1 Knowledge and Loyalty to the mark For any business, are dispendioso to conquer new consumers and are relatively cheap to keep the existing ones, especially when he has the satisfaction and affection with the mark (AAKER, 1998). Cabrino (2002) in recent years analyzes some occurred points ahead of the habits of purchase of the consumers next to the products and/or services disponibilizados in the market. This if of because, beyond the increase around new trends and of a market extremely disputed and competitive, to all occasion he will appear new marks and models, making with that he increases the available options and with that the consumer if does not arrest the particularitities. Cabrino (2002) still says that the reasons most concrete verified ahead of this change of market, of consumption habits, must it the fact of that a growth of the lower partner-economic classrooms of the society is occurring, since the censuses, carried through in recent years, point that the income band that is growing more it is the C. This aspect is decurrent of the fact of that the power of purchase of the classrooms less privileged comes increasing, while that in the high classrooms it has the fall of innumerable consumers who exhibited a false economic situation, placing itself previously in classroom B.


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