Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pets and More Pets ? Why do dogs eat snow

Winter activities would be even more enjoyable if shared with the beloved dog. Because of the thick fur, the dog owner would not worry that the pet would catch cold in the frigid temperature. Dog owners would always want to have the pet around as they make any kind of activity enjoyable. However, just like any other dog owner, you may be concerned too with the pet?s inclination to eat snow. Owners of snow eating dogs would not be too concerned as this habit would not be disgusting like the dog habit of eating feces and rotting animals. People holding plastic cups of snow topped with bright colored syrup is a common sight.

Snow with fresh or candied fruit toppings is also a favorite dessert. It seems that dogs really do have a lot of similarities with humans as these animals also love to eat snow. It would be understandable if the snow is topped with flavorings like the ones we humans love but dogs would eat plain snow with gusto. What is so special about snow that makes dogs love it? Have you again forgotten to fill the dog?s water bowl?

In the wild, dogs have been eating snow when the rivers and springs are frozen. Today?s dogs need not eat snow to assuage thirst because owners make sure that the pets are provided with all the basic needs. However, we know that dogs are naturally curious. Sunlight glistening on the snow crystals would entice an inquisitive dog to investigate. The freshness of the snow on the warm tongue as well as the crunching sound will motivate the dog to get another mouthful. Because snow eating is not dangerous, the dog owner would not prevent a pet that seems to get so much pleasure from eating snow.

If the dog?s stomach is filled with snow, the dog?s body temperature will be lowered. Lowered body temperature can result to hypothermia. The dog?s habit of eating snow can have another dangerous effect ? poisoning. Unlike the fruit flavored Sno Cones that people love to eat, the snow eaten by the dog can be laced with anti freeze and other poisonous substances. Snow eating for the dog can result to poisoning.

Excessive snow eating can be attributed to a medical concern. The dog may have an undiagnosed kidney or thyroid disease. A dog with diabetes and Cushing?s disease are noted to have large appetites. These medical concerns have to be addressed to curb the dog?s inclination to eat snow.

At Sarah?s Dogs you can learn more about why dogs eat snow as well as dog first aid and other common dog behaviors.

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Source: http://petsandmorepets.com/2012/08/why-do-dogs-eat-snow/

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