Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why Exotic Pets Should Not Be Banned | Exotic Pets

We all know how special interest groups may overstate things ? not to exist if you have listened to some animal welfare organizations, you might think to keep pets? Crisis exotic pets. ? Exotic is cruel, dangerous, and even the edge of treason! Before you buy that agenda, consider that a junior high student once a convincing case for banning dihydrogen monoxide: colorless, odorless and tasteless, it kills thousands of people each year.

Most deaths are caused by inhalation, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. DHMO acid and hydroxyl ions is known, is the main component of acid rain can cause severe burns, contributes to soil erosion, can cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes and found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

This report was presented to 50 students and asked them what should be done about the chemical. 43 students favored prohibition, six were undecided, and only one correctly recognized that ?dihydrogen monoxide? is actually H2O ? plain old water. How gullible are you?

Banning my cat has a sense about the same as the ban ? and the results are just as heartbreaking for pet and owner. Are you ready for the truth about the ?crisis exotic pet??

Exotic animals are not dangerous! One study showed that the risk of injury to exotic cat owners less than the risk of injury to a domestic dog bite was. And who is a motor vehicle subjects themselves and their families in danger of driving three times greater then does someone who has even a large exotic cat as a tiger.
The most exotic pet owners are friendly, intelligent people who love their animals and their excellent care of them. We love our pets just as you love yours.
Exotic animal bans result in beloved pets are seized impounded, and often killed. Some chance to live their lives in cages under the care of strangers in zoos and sanctuaries. These are the dirty secret animal rights groups do not want to know you. The ban does not help the animals: he kills them!
Exotic cat ownership already by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, CITES, the regulated Animal Welfare Act, Act Species at Risk, Lacey Act, and the city, county and state regulations, as you can shake a stick at, and the existing animal welfare and public safety laws, the exotic and native animals.
?You can buy a tiger on the Internet for $ 100.00,? research-averse activists proclaim in horror. Just try to order an online tiger, or even a serval. You will not succeed. This urban legend has great repeatability at cocktail parties and Save-the-cute-animals-of-evil-humans fundraisers, but sorely lacking in the reality department. Breeders do not have websites, but it takes much more than just one click the mouse to buy exotic cat.


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